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other. There was something faintly sinister about their disappearance. . . .
Nobody else had noticed. There was a tremendous babble of excitement, and such a crush of enormous Vikings that not everybody could get in to the Great Hall, and there was a big jumble of barbarians shouting and shoving outside.
Stoick called for silence.
"I have called you here today," boomed Stoick, "because we have a problem on our hands. A rather large Dragon is sitting on the Long Beach."


The crowd was deeply unimpressed. They were hoping for a more important crisis.
Mogadon voiced the general disapproval.
"The Big Drums are only used in times of ghastly deadly peril," said Mogadon in amazement. "You have summoned us here at a horribly early hour" (Mogadon had not slept well, on the stone floor of the Great Hall with only his helmet for a pillow), "just because of a DRAGON? I do hope you are not losing your grip, Stoick," he sneered, hoping that he was.

