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All in all, Stoick was not in a state to deal with any more problems.
"There are a couple of humungous Dragons on the Long Beach," said Badbreath.
"Tell them to go away," said Stoick.
"You tell them," said Badbreath.
Stoick stomped off to the beach. He returned again looking very thoughtful.
"Did you tell them?" asked Badbreath.


"Tell IT," said Stoick. "The larger Dragon has eaten the smaller one. I didn't like to interrupt. I think I shall call a Council of War."
The Hooligans and the Meatheads woke that morning to the terrible sound of the Big Drums summoning them to a Council of War, only used in times of dreadful crisis.
Hiccup awoke with a start. He had hardly slept at all. Toothless, who had crept into bed with Hiccup the night before, was nowhere to be seen and the bed was stone cold, so he had obviously been gone for some time.

