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Hiccup dragged his clothes on hurriedly. They had dried overnight, and were so stiff with salt that it was like putting on a shirt and leggings made out of wood. He wasn't sure what he was meant to do, as this was the morning he was supposed to go into exile. He followed everybody else to the Great Hall. The Meatheads had spent the night there anyway, because it had not been the weather for camping.


On the way he bumped into Fishlegs. He looked as if he had slept as badly as Hiccup. His glasses were on crooked.
"What's happening?" asked Hiccup. Fishlegs shrugged his shoulders.
"Where's Horrorcow?" asked Hiccup. Fishlegs shrugged his shoulders again.
Hiccup looked around at the crowd pushing its way toward the Great Hall and noticed that there was not a domestic dragon to be seen. Normally they were never far from their Masters' heels and shoulders, yapping and snarling and sneering at each

