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【东方×疫情第二弹】寄世界于偶像~Who's the Spreader(3)

2023-05-17 来源:百合文库

【东方×疫情第二弹】寄世界于偶像~Who’s the Spreader

(《GSKTV: Gensokyo news》
"Let's see what happened in the outside world." Broadcasted by Shamemaru Aya w-ho had just come back to life from Coronavi-rus. "Fans of a famous star in China have a-bused their reporting right to knock down th-e rest of online groups, claiming that they ar-e protecting the best bro ever of them. As it is reported, the film star is named after Syao Jam, 29, whose fans have the worst person-ality in the amusement circle of China, has become the one scolded by 70% of the neit-izens in every online community. Recently we've heard the news that they're preparing for an attack as the case of Remilia's having spreaded virus around China so that their br-o can't hold any concert. All of us should ta-ke actions to guard our motherland!" Yukari was doubtful and confused:"They're just idi-ots who haven't even graduated from prima-ry schools! How can these absurd girls thre-aten here? This is the funniest joke I have e-ver heard this year. "

【东方×疫情第二弹】寄世界于偶像~Who’s the Spreader
