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【东方×疫情第二弹】寄世界于偶像~Who's the Spreader(2)

2023-05-17 来源:百合文库
"Ding~." As the ringtone of DingTalk rang, Remilia Scarlet got up unwillingly. Since the Epidemic has begun, everybody here in Ge-nsokyo were then in quarantine. Wearing a mask, she began the meeting today. You m-ay think that it seems like a pupil is having a curriculum online if you don't know the real age of her, which may be 5 times higher th-an your grandparents or more.
"By now, the Novel Coronavirus Pandem-ic has spread around the globe, for which c-ase will we abolish the annual trip to Roman-ia. I'm sorry to tell you 'bout that and, I will ri-se the salary of each of you up to 700,000 en(日元) this month as compensation. "

【东方×疫情第二弹】寄世界于偶像~Who’s the Spreader

"I agree." The chief maid Izayoi Sakuya said. "Besides, it is believed that bat is the c-ause of the disease recently, it's safer for y-ou to stay inside Gensokyo, Miss Scarlet."
"Okay, I know." While it was beyond Re-milia and Sakuya's expectation, a terrible di-saster was approaching.
Some neitizens who came from the mainland of China had broken in the Barrier of H-akurei and Common sense & non-common sense, and that was perceived by a woma-n."What a shame that even neitizens can in-vade into Gensokyo! It's weird!" Yakumo Yu-kari, who's one of the guardians has never seen such an accident. "Let me check the news happen outside."