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【东方×疫情第二弹】寄世界于偶像~Who's the Spreader

2023-05-17 来源:百合文库

【东方×疫情第二弹】寄世界于偶像~Who’s the Spreader

English ver:
Idols, who are someone being in favour of by idiots who are in loss of intellection and intelligence, are the trend going on in this w-orld of chaos now. They have no independ-ent mind, but it is someone who have wealth and power behind the wheel.
Just like a puppet, every one cheers for it, yet it can't appreciate back by itself, the appreciating one is the puppet performer, i-nstead. Once the puppet cause fear and ch-aos, the performer will protect his or her pu-ppet from being charged or destroyed by e-very means he or she can make use of. As the result, the puppet will last forever, and t-he performer will never lose his or her wealth coming from performing puppet show.

【东方×疫情第二弹】寄世界于偶像~Who’s the Spreader
