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【东方同人小说】Aya's Running Jo-urney 文文的跑步日记(5)

2023-05-17 来源:百合文库
"Don't stop me! I've heard that Japanes-e're still holding marathon matches alongsi-de the nation gathering thousands of athlet-es!"
"Your network's broken,huh? It's the circ-umstance occured in 2 months ago! Japan is now prohibiting any gathering activities or campaigns. And the number of individuals who has been diagnosed with the positive s-ymptoms has risen up to 2000! "
"No, no! For being of perfect appearance, I shall recover my original figure! You'd like to raise me to a boar, then you work out to report so that you can make a great deal of wealth? C'mon, no one knows you better th-an me!" Aya had put on her sneakers and fli-es out.

【东方同人小说】Aya’s Running Jo-urney 文文的跑步日记

"Foolish!" Hatate sighed,"If she were infe-cted, none of us in our village would escape from the virus. On the top of that, she may l-ose her life!"
Aya rushed throughout the Tengu village-s, down to the edge of the waterfall. The pro-fessional engineer Kawashiro Nitori was th-en constructing the border of theisolating a-rea. As is known to all, current is a significa-nt factor leading to the spread of the diseas-e. When Nitori saw Aya running beside the r-iver, she was scared, shouting:"Why you're here? I remember that Yakumo Yukari has i-mformed that the individuals as well as jour-nalists must be in quarantine at home!"