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【东方同人小说】Aya's Running Jo-urney 文文的跑步日记(3)

2023-05-17 来源:百合文库
14天后,文文去世了。当永琳医生宣布她的死亡时,果几乎崩溃了。她冲到文文躺着的床前,不断地大喊:“ 文文,别睡啦。醒来吧!是时候报道新闻了。快点,不然我会赶在你之前的?你没听到吗?嘿,回答我……文文,文文! ”坐在一旁的蓬莱山辉夜一直安慰着她,“冷静,她再也不会回来了……您应该恢复正常生活。”

【东方同人小说】Aya’s Running Jo-urney 文文的跑步日记

与此同时,即使她不愿接受,文依然只能等待属于她的判决。 当她在阎魔面前时,她恳求:“我想回来!”
“对不起,我为自己的行为感到懊悔!” 看着充满泪水的果,文文也在啜泣。
“不,这是我的错!我不应该嘲笑你的身材!感谢所有的神,你回来了……不要离开我,永远不要……你保证。 ....“
这则报道被发表在《文文新闻》上。 疫情仍然未结束,人们从此再也不敢出门锻炼了。
English ver.
Through the epidemic of the COVID-19, Shamemaru Aya hasn't been out of her hou-se to sell newspaper or do some reports for a month or so. She put herself on the weigh-ing machine, finding that she's gained weig-ht for approximately 3 pounds. As she was t-hen in astonishment, here came her friend as well as business competitor Himekaidou Hatate. Being one of the otakus in Gensoky-o, Hatate hasn't even increased half a kilogr-am, compared to the fatter Aya who always go out for interviews. Looking at Aya, Hatat-e can't help laughing. She said:" Oh, look at your belly, what's the hill on it? And your ne-ck, I guess that there's fat storing in it which can be consumed for nearly a year. Er, may-be not that much. How did you made it, my princess? Oh, goddess! Have you been pre-gnant? Who's kid, tell me! This would be an anecdote, Shamemaru Aya who is the most famous journalist of Gensokyo has her own baby during the epidemic, leading to......"