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【东方同人小说】Aya's Running Jo-urney 文文的跑步日记(4)

2023-05-17 来源:百合文库

【东方同人小说】Aya’s Running Jo-urney 文文的跑步日记

"That's enough, get out of'ere!" Aya crie-d,"What a shame that I was sneered at by anotaku for my fat growing! I'm gonna do moreexercise to burn these attached fat. You see that huh? B**ch!"
Then Aya was moving out of the gate, 
while Hatate pulled her back, persuading,"Y-ou crazy, Aya? It's on epidemic now, excuse me? Pardon me for my unreasonable com-ment on your figure but, can you ever see a-nyone who's still building him or her up now? "

【东方同人小说】Aya’s Running Jo-urney 文文的跑步日记
