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英 语 学 习 资 料 3(7)

2023-05-16 来源:百合文库
‘You’ll see, François. I’ll prove myself worthy of your love. I’ll punish the assassin who separated us and you won’t have anything to be ashamed of me for.’
11 - DepartureThree days later, the d'Herblays awoke to find a letter on their daughter’s bed, which hadn’t been slept in.
‘My beloved parents,
‘I’m sorry for all the trouble that I’m going to cause you, but I had to leave. I cannot accept becoming Monsieur de Plessus’s wife. I’ve known real love, so I can’t settle for a marriage of convenience. I would lose both my soul and my honor. I’m sorry to leave you like this, but I had no other choice to escape from this marriage.

英 语 学 习 资 料 3

‘Please believe that I will always cherish the memory of all that you have done for me. You showed me more love and tenderness than a child could have hoped for. You taught me the value of honor and courage, and I will always strive to live honorably as you taught me. You taught me to never give up and to fight to my dying breath. The only thing that you haven’t taught me is submission. I cannot accept to live chained up and I would rather flee in the hopes that you won’t try to restrain me. Forgive me for thus taking my freedom, but please know that I will always make honorable choices.