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英 语 学 习 资 料 3(5)

2023-05-16 来源:百合文库
No... it was absurd... and yet...
She raised her glistening eyes skyward, and remounted her horse.
She arrived at the manor where François had been living just as the last rays of sunlight disappeared below the horizon. She shivered as she crossed the threshold of this place where she had not stepped foot ever since that terrible night. The manor had been abandoned ever since the death of François. They had also found the body of an old governess. Inspecting the premises, Tréville had discovered that a third person must have been living there: a young man whom they hadn’t been able to find. Perhaps he had been abducted by those brigands... Renée thought that that must have been the young person that François had wanted to introduce her to.

英 语 学 习 资 料 3

On the second floor, she discovered a bureau filled with the garments of a young gentleman. She had to try... The clothes were a bit large for her small waist, but they would have to do. She undressed, then bound her breasts beneath strips of a sheet that she had torn for the purpose. Clothed in an ample shirt and a pair of pants, she examined her profile in the mirror. She certainly looked rather frail for a man, but her figure was completely hidden.