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【原创少战同人】(6) Assam×Darjeeling 英文原版(建议词汇量3500以上阅读)(8)

Seeing Darjeeling’s facial expression. Twining responded with an apologetic smile, “I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t startle you, but that is what we usually do in our hometown…” 
“Never mind, I know you Scots are always enthusiastic, and I like it though!” Darjeeling could tell the Scottish accent, but she has to admit that Twining’s English is super good. 
“Hole (How) do you know that? I spoke English all the time.”

【原创少战同人】(6) Assam×Darjeeling 英文原版(建议词汇量3500以上阅读)

“Local accent is hard to hide. And…do you know this saying? Scotland is great because every stree you walk down is like an unfolding novel.”
“I am quite happy to see yaw (you) like my hometown! And…nice shot in the match!”
“You flattered. You’re definitely better than me, double kill is really awesome.”
“Thanks, but…when I served in the military, I am no better than my pals…”

【原创少战同人】(6) Assam×Darjeeling 英文原版(建议词汇量3500以上阅读)
