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【原创少战同人】(6) Assam×Darjeeling 英文原版(建议词汇量3500以上阅读)(7)

Somebody stop her! Assam pleaded as Elizabeth dived into the article again.
“Umm, Liz? Your tea is getting cold.” Grey found a chance to put in her words. “Oh, you are right.” Elizabeth took a sip of tea.
Finally, Assam had a chance to stop the embarrassing topic. “Li…Liz, my madam, have you got any request?”
“Actually, yes! Please answer me Assam:
do you want to be a commander?”

【原创少战同人】(6) Assam×Darjeeling 英文原版(建议词汇量3500以上阅读)

“Commander Twining?”
“Aye! Am Twining. (Yes! I am Twining.), the commander of the A41”
The girl was in her tidy tankery suit, with two strips as the pattern of epaulet indicating she was a commander of a tank. 
“Darjeeling, nice to meet you!” Darjeeling reached out her hand. She’s waiting for a shake of hands, but what came after was a warm hug, making Darjeeling suddenly don’t know what to do. In Twining’s arm, she could feel her muscular and strong torso, the hormone of her body made Darjeeling intoxicated, exhaled, savoring the sudden quiet.

【原创少战同人】(6) Assam×Darjeeling 英文原版(建议词汇量3500以上阅读)
