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【原创少战同人】(6) Assam×Darjeeling 英文原版(建议词汇量3500以上阅读)(11)

“I felt fear’s echo, and along with that I felt the unhinged, uncontrollable joy which had been its accompaniment and opposite face, joy which had broken out sometimes in those days like Northern Lights across black sky.” Twining really love tanks, but after her crew member’s death. She became a coward. And she can no longer be a commander in troop but a driver instead. “I really admire your confidence and courage, Darjeeling my pal. How could you keep your poise all the time?”

【原创少战同人】(6) Assam×Darjeeling 英文原版(建议词汇量3500以上阅读)

Darjeeling smiled elegantly, “I have to thank my friend Assam. She is always there encouraging me, trusting me. Even though I made mistakes, she comforted me…Have you heard of this proverb? Courage is grace under pressure.”
Assam:“She is my east, my sun. I know Darjeeling is not perfect. I could see her default right in my eyes, but I choose to follow her, because…”
Darjeeling: “Assam gave me courage to be the commander, and I choose to carry on, because…”

【原创少战同人】(6) Assam×Darjeeling 英文原版(建议词汇量3500以上阅读)
