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【原创少战同人】(5.5) 大学篇(英汉双语) (不看不影响理解情节)(3)

Darjeeling didn't say a word, but standing there with her face red and head low. 
Grey held the teacup and walked towards Darjeeling, “head up! There you go and stand straight.” Grey put the teacup on Darjeeling's head. She then locked the door and picked up her cellphone with timer opened up.
“Ten minutes, please hold on.” Grey lay on the bed, drew a book out and started reading.

【原创少战同人】(5.5) 大学篇(英汉双语) (不看不影响理解情节)

Ten minutes later:
"Good job Darjeeling. I came up with your punishment this time. I like it actually. Please come here" Grey said, patting her lap. “Have you ever heard of a lady named Berkley? She is brilliant! We can try this as well.”
“Berkley…I don't know her…so what do you wanna do?” Darjeeling's eyes were full of fear.
“Don't talk and lay on my lap”

【原创少战同人】(5.5) 大学篇(英汉双语) (不看不影响理解情节)
