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【原创少战同人】Darjeeling in ST. Victoria Ladies' University(3)(2)

“Well well everyone, now starting with the Crew Crusader, please roll your tanks out of the hangar and form into a line just outside the hangar. I will offer instructions once you complete the order.” 
The driver of the Churchill watched others rolling out, “why we’re the slowest?” “Because we’re huge.” Assam gave a response. “But Challenger is much bigger than Churchill!” “Umm, maybe the designer merely wants us to hold the tea cup steadily.” Darjeeling smiled. 

【原创少战同人】Darjeeling in ST. Victoria Ladies’ University(3)

Meanwhile in Sanders:
“What is our strategy?” The captain shouted out loudly with her clinched fist hold high in the sky.
“Attack one of theirs with ten of ours!!!”
The girls responded in a loud voice.
The captain continued: “We’re not just going to shoot the bastards; we’re going to cut out their living guts, and use them to grease the treads of our tanks! Anyone who knocks down the enemy captain will get a reward of any tank she wants!” She then pointed to the 4 tanks: T-29E3, M24 Chaffee, M5Stuard and m26 Pershing. “That’s the tanks you will ride in the battle.”

【原创少战同人】Darjeeling in ST. Victoria Ladies’ University(3)
