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飞向星空55 新视野2(个人翻译)注:前文可搜索B站专栏“ 风若兮未”(10)

2023-05-15 来源:百合文库

飞向星空55 新视野2(个人翻译)注:前文可搜索B站专栏“ 风若兮未”

"Me too," Mami said, making a show of looking through the list of unidentified [9]alien facilities.
It really didn't look all that promising, even sorting for the ones the AIs had marked as particularly likely to be important. An unusually large wormhole generator facility, a strange deep‐space depot, a ground installation on a volcanic planet engaged in high‐intensity mineral processing, some tantalizing [10]glimpses of a facility seemingly orbiting a known pulsar—since why would the squid do their science there? There were plenty of other pulsars.

飞向星空55 新视野2(个人翻译)注:前文可搜索B站专栏“ 风若兮未”
