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The Opposite Girl(以前英语作业写的故事)(2)

2023-04-27 来源:百合文库
My name is Daisy Blanc, and I am a biologist. The biologist on our planet is not studying faunas and floras—we are already sure we’ve discovered them all—I am talking about study “aliens” in our point of view. You humans are also “aliens” in our point of view.
When we discovered earth, our prime minister was excited, because after some of our observations, we ranked humans as “Highly Developed Species”, and that was extremely rare. Our prime minister said that we should become friends with you humans, but there was still one thing we were considering, we were afraid that humans couldn’t accept different individuals in your communities—we behave a lot different than humans.
So that’s how the story started, I was ordered to make an experiment on a human to test a different individual in a human society. I randomly selected a girl from you humans. That girl is so normal, nothing special, a Chinese girl who liked to laugh a lot and talk to people a lot, with an Asian appearance. A normal girl is the best for this experiment. In the plan, the girl was secretly planted some different genes into her body, and then she will gradually become different from her society, thinking strangely, acting strangely, so on, and the experiment will over when we got the final result.