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2023-04-26 来源:百合文库
The recess time was about to end. Alex still can’t see Clare in her sit. He asked the student in the class if they have seen her. He tried to think where would she go.
Clare looked at the clock. She quickly closed the piano and walked towards the door. She tried to open the door but the door was locked. She tried so hard. The moment she knew she was locked up.
A,C girls: Where is Alex?
E student: He just ask me where is the music room. Maybe he is going there.
A,C girls think this is bad.
Alex went to the music room and he saw Clare was inside. She was crying. He used all his strength to open that door. 
A: Why do you lock yourself up?
Clare rushed to him and hugged him. But she was still crying.
A: It’s alright now. You are safe now.
Finally she heaved a sigh of relief.
C: I…...I…...I don’t know why the door was locked. I remember that I keep it open. But how did you know that I’m here?
A: I saw you bring your music file with you. What are you scared of?
C: I…...I just…..
A: Never mind. I would not tell anyone anything happened here. Your secret safe in me.
C: Thank you. We better get back to class. The bell is ringing now.