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2023-04-26 来源:百合文库
C: I went to music room to do some preparations for our next lesson.
T: Ok, you are doing this just for help. Oh, Mr. Louis, this is our class monitress. If you have any questions or problems you can ask her. Miss. Watson take Mr. Louis sit next to you. Also, take Mr.Louis to have a tour after lunch.
C: Yes, Mrs. Field. Mr. Louis please follow me.
A: Oh, you can call me Alex.
C: You can call me Clare.
D girl: Why can she sit with my idoi?
C girl: Yes, why can she? It’s not fair.
T: Ok, ok. Let’s start class.
A: You know how to play music? (He pointed at Clare’s music sheet file.)
C: Yes.
A: What musical instrument do you play?
C: Teacher have already started her class, I want to pay attention to it.
A: Oh, I am so sorry.
C girl: How could she be so rude to him? 
B girl: Agree, should we do something?
A girl: I think that so.
C: It’s recess time now. You can take so rest.
A: Where is the restroom?
C: I can….
A,B,C,D girls: I can take you there btw I am ………
A: I am sorry excuse me. Clare, what have you just said?
C: Never mind they can take you there.
A,C girls: Is time.
Clare went into the music room and started her practise. The two A and C girls were outside the music room door. They were going to lock up the door. 