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2023-04-26 来源:百合文库
A,B,C,D girls, Clare Watson, Alex Louis, Teacher, E student
A girl: Do you know that Alex will come to our school.
B girl: Of course, I am so excited but will he be in our class?
A girl: No one knows.
C girl: Hey,hey,hey girls good news. Do you want to hear? is about our new student.
A,B girls: What is it?
C girl: Alex will be in our class. 
All the girls in that class were screaming. 
D girl: Where did you hear about it? 
C girl: I was just crossing by the faculty room and heard them talking.
B girl: who’s them?
C girl: Of course is Alex and our teacher.
A girl: I can’t believe that this day finally come. I can be in the same class with Alex.
The bell ring. The class teacher came in. 
T: We have a new student as you all may know. Let me welcome him to come inside. Mr. Louis, you may come in.
The girls are screaming as hard as she can. 
A: My name is Alex Louis. You can call me Alex. I am a singer but I want to have a normal school life. I hope I can be friends with all of you.
Clare was breathing deeply and knocked the door.
C: sorry, Mrs. Field. I was late.
T: Miss. Watson, why did you come this late?