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Heaven and Earth(2)

2023-03-25武侠萌新练笔 来源:百合文库
As time flew, something that would irresistibly change their fates finally happened.
While Long hastened with quicksilver steps towards Bai that day, heavy rain was pouring and peach blossom had withered away.
“Why are you in such a hurry?” Bai studied her face apprehensively, enquired.
“I have to go, I really must, at once.”
“To your hometown?”
“Right. Back to the Kunlun Mountains. I must take off the kid gloves and smash these evil monsters once and for all. I can feel through the Ziyun Sword, she tells me that the H.L.S. is in danger of collapsing. Po Xie eventually takes actions.”
“I’ll go with you.”
“So dangerous that someone might die.”
Suddenly it thundered and lightened, and then rain fell in torrents.
“I just can’t leave you alone. It was dad who said that a sword is to protect important things to you. Otherwise, it’s no more effective than scrap iron.”
She gave him a very long and affectionate look. Then, hadn’t uttered a single word, her eyes downcast.
After a few seconds, her face was set in an expression of stubborn determination.
Bai Yunbin smiled, winked and nodded, giving his seal of approval. Make up his mind, too.