厉睿对着执明点了点头,执明轻轻向后退了几步,站在了刚才的桌子旁边,小卷毛眼角还挂着泪珠,时不时地抽噎着:"I'm sorry ,Livy……I promise I'll be better soon!I promise!I'II be normal!I tried incredibly hard,Livy……l don't know how I could have tried any harder……"
"I know you did."厉睿温和的笑着擦拭小卷毛脸上的泪痕,"I know how proud your parents would have been that you didn't stop trying,Sweetie,do you think I would let anything happen to you?No!You don't have to apologize to me but——you need to apologize to this gentleman,Sweetie. He meant no harm,but you tried to hurt him"
小卷毛摸了一把眼泪,面向不远处站着的执明:"I'm sorry, Sir"
执明想要上前厉睿却摆了摆手,回头继续对小卷毛说:"Good boy~Sweetie,Would you like to go out and play for yourself? We still have something to talk,It's okay,go,go,baby,lt will be okay,go alone"
执明一言不发的隔着半张桌子翻了几页厉睿刚刚看的书,他在看一本神经相关的英文书,忽然他瞥到书边笔记本上一行小注:Feng’s medical history and the source of embolus……