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2023-03-14克苏鲁神话泡泡犹格索托斯 来源:百合文库
[9] this misplaced seriousness killed the attachment he might have kept for the ancient creeds had they been content to offer the sonorous rites and emotional outlets in their true guise of ethereal fantasy.不知道那个 true guise of ethereal fantasy到底在说什么,
[11]with which (the flimsy logic) their champions tried to gild brute impulse with a sacredness stripped from the idols they had discarded. 貌似是隐喻文艺复兴中人性的解放。
[13]that the satisfaction of one moment is the bane of the next,呃,……就这样吧。
[14]原文为great-uncle ,这个词本意应该是叔祖父,但是后面又说他的叔叔克里斯。这里按后面的来
[15]He decided to live on a rarer plane
[16] clay tablets ,指公元前4000年前后至公元后若干世纪内,生活在西亚两河流域、古埃及、古印度等地区的人使用板块泥土做为文献的载体。典型代表即两河流域留下的楔形文字文献。
[18]Saracens,源自希腊语,撒拉森人,该词首先出现在欧洲用来指阿拉伯人,然后又被用来做指北非、中东地区信奉伊斯兰教的人 (十字军东征时期) 。
[19] when Elizabeth was queen,可能是指伊丽莎白女王一世,1533.9.7-1603.3.24
[20] visitant ,这个词是书面用语中幽灵的意思。
[21] In the brooding fire of autumn
[23]Congregational ,基督新教的一种。