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RW3Y-ALLFARY TALES END—dishwasher1910(3)(5)

2023-03-13同人rwby 来源:百合文库
"The weaponssystem is already underway. But the problem remains with the shell. The fact isthe old model was too fragile, therefore we needed to fine a way to increaseits defensive capabilities, which involves…. necessary stress testing to seehow well each improvements performs against the most severe of attacks. This iswhat you see here"
"… How longhave you been doing this"
" Around 8months"
" Why didn'tyou tell me"
Weiss's browsfurrows
" Ruby, we'renot teens in school anymore, this is a military organization and this is Level1 classified information. The fact that you know this information and that I'mtelling you this information means that we both run the risk of beingimmediately discharged and put in jail. I know it's unfair, but responsibilitycomes first."