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RW3Y-ALLFARY TALES END—dishwasher1910(3)(7)

2023-03-13同人rwby 来源:百合文库
"Ruby I'msorry but,…"
“But you know whatwas worse, its that when I look into her eyes, I don't see some mechanicalscomponents, I saw the eyes that belonged to the person back then, and Iremember the last time I saw her, face to face, its like living through allthat pain again, watching someone you cared about get ripped in half in frontof you. Do you how much it hurts.?”
"It make methink about what else you may have been hiding from us Weiss, about yourself,about the SRED, the Grimm, everything. Its like having all these power toyourself have change you Weiss."
"Do you notthink that I'm trying my best here … Do you know how hard is it to shoulder allthese responsibilities that I have, to have people's lives and essentially thefuture of humanity placed under your care? Don't you think,…. Don't you thinkthat I know what suffering and pain feels like too, when I see the people whoare dear to me get hurt. How did you think I was when I carried you into thecarrier with blood covering us from head to toe, how do you think I was when Iwatched pushed you in that wheel chair, when Yang was helping you walk while Ihad to carried on with my work. HOW THE LIVING HELL DO YOU THINK I WAS WHEN IWAS SOBBING IN YOUR LAP THEN. I know pain Ruby, maybe even more than you do,and I'm haunted everyday by some of decisions that I had to made but do youknow why I do it ? Because It is the duty of a leader to make decisions thatwill benefit the greater majority. That is not something that I will jeopardizeeasily, much less for a girl who haven't grown up from her fairytale yet andher "friend" who has always been a machine and that I had minimalhistory with."