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RW3Y-ALLFARY TALES END—dishwasher1910(3)(4)

2023-03-13同人rwby 来源:百合文库
Weiss stop, herbrows furrow as her grief-filled eyes turn to Ruby.
"You happenedRuby"“你出事了Ruby”
Ruby stoodmotionless, as she tries to figure out what Weiss meant, then it clicked whenshe look down at the metal limb that is supporting her.
Weiss look out tothe window again
"When I sawwhat happened to yo , I know that with our current abilities now, we won't beable to hold the new threat back. The recent encounters with Yang and Blakeonly serve to reaffirm that belief. And not even now, say even if we managed todefeat this threat, what if something even bigger comes. In history, we humanshave relied on our ability to evolve and adapt to survive. However, what weexceed in intellect, we lack in actual physical capabilities. That's whymachines and weapons were born. Even then, it remains thata machine without a man is destined to become useless and a man without amachine is hardly effective. We need both of those factor to create theperfect weapon to safeguard not only ourselves not only against this threat,but against any threat in the future. We needed something like Penny. ThereforeI agree on the proposition to develop a new combat system to be incorporatedwith this new shell."