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RW3Y-ALLFARY TALES END—dishwasher1910(3)(2)

2023-03-13同人rwby 来源:百合文库
"Ruby, whatdid you need to see me…."
Ruby滑去一个卷轴,正好停在桌中间,显现出一堆数据和研究计划,在这些照片和录音中,有一些绝密的设施和实验围绕着一个橙发少女,其中一些看起来令人寒颤,因为这些女孩似乎被肢解,并以一种极其残忍的方式被处理。一切都归于一个名字:Project Persephone./宙斯之女,被冥王劫持娶作冥后/
"Where didyou get this"“你从哪搞来的”她的声音,严厉,冷淡,发散着权威。
"Explain… now!"
"Ruby, youwould do well to remember your position,… do not speak to me…"“Ruby,记住你的位置,不准这样说…”
"I don't givea damn about our positions ! All I want now is answer , so cut the crap Weiss,and answer, do you know about this and do you have anything to do withthis."
"The answeris yes, I do know about her. I'm the one that signed the order to started thedamn program. It started when we rediscovered the documentation for theprevious self-operating aura carrier program in a closed down Atlesianfacility. After that, we managed to track down retrieve the components from thelast-known successful experiment as well."“答案,是的,我知道这件事,这项目就是我下令签署的。