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Mlp原创英文同人 science is magic(10)

2023-03-07RainbowMlp 来源:百合文库
"That must be the nuclear weapon , I hear that has enough power to destroy one of pony village."take the missile at back,then load at plane rainbow jump in cockpit then start engine agian.
"That's time,cloud city will be nothing surely!"with that say,rainbow drive the rocket plane going to cloud city.
That time,very quickly,rainbow is hover in front of cloud city. And the voice is said agian:"are you sure? Destroy cloud city with all of pony village? The nuclear science not a game."
"What wrong? Tank will play with me forever."without thinking,rainbow fire the nuclear missile,and the voice said:"so that,is will let you see what will happen."
The nuclear missile explode at sky,strong orange light is up at all of everywhere,when the light is down,the nuclear cloud exchange the cloud city.
"I win! I am win! Cloud city and winter is for nothing forever!"when the rainbow is exciting,the voice said"are you sure? Let you see something don't as you thinking."