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黑客学院 第二集:未知的命运

2023-03-08黑客 来源:百合文库
I look at my sleeping mother and sister. They lay shivering on the wooden floor. Mother frowned, even in her sleep. Sister hugged her teddy bear tightly. My nose stung, and my vision blurred. They didn't deserve this life.
我看了看在熟睡的妈妈和妹妹. 她们颤巍巍的躺在冰冷的木地板上. 妈妈甚至睡着觉都紧邹着眉头。而我的妹妹紧紧的抱着她的泰迪熊。看到这一幕,泪水瞬间打湿了我的眼,内心的酸楚无法用言语来表达。她们这辈子不应该过着这样的生活。
I had to do this.
Closing the door, I walk over to my room. Stacks of papers and files have taken up most of the space, but I threw some away so I could fit the desk and chair. Most of the papers were bills, debts, and receipts.I take the black duffel bag and sling it over my shoulder. Inside is my computer and everything I need for Hacker Academy.
I take our a receipt and write on the back of it.
我拿了一个收据, 之后在背面写到
Dear mother and sister,
I'm going away because I've found a place to work. Don't worry, they provide a place to stay with food and everything. They have pretty good pay. I'm so sorry to leave you like this, but I promise I'll make things better. I'll send money often.