【寰宇异想】星球大战 克隆人英雄传之雷克斯:相遇与重逢
2023-03-05星球大战 来源:百合文库
(声明:本期节目的第一部分来自小说:《No Prisoner》,作者是Karen Traviss,译者是来自星球大战中文论坛的:0de浪漫,第二部分的内容和阿索卡的个人小说内容可能存在出入。)
雅汶战役前22年 JanFathal行星
He looked up without lifting his head, chin resting on clasped hands.
He hadn't even heard Ahsoka approaching. Jedi could do that kind of stealth thing, but for a moment he was worried that he was losing his edge. The little Togruta was wearing a smart gray naval tunic and pants. He had no idea where she'd found a uniform to fit her, but she was so touchingly earnest, so intent on doing things right and fitting in, that it almost upset him.
"You're too young to drink in here," he said.
"And you're younger than me-from a certain point of view."
(声明:本期节目的第一部分来自小说:《No Prisoner》,作者是Karen Traviss,译者是来自星球大战中文论坛的:0de浪漫,第二部分的内容和阿索卡的个人小说内容可能存在出入。)
雅汶战役前22年 JanFathal行星
He looked up without lifting his head, chin resting on clasped hands.
He hadn't even heard Ahsoka approaching. Jedi could do that kind of stealth thing, but for a moment he was worried that he was losing his edge. The little Togruta was wearing a smart gray naval tunic and pants. He had no idea where she'd found a uniform to fit her, but she was so touchingly earnest, so intent on doing things right and fitting in, that it almost upset him.
"You're too young to drink in here," he said.
"And you're younger than me-from a certain point of view."