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Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(2)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
See the end of the chapter for notes
“Dammit... God-fucking-dammit!” Instantly his blue eyes turned to the woman who was the cause of the trouble. “Signora...” The growl in his voice actually caused the blonde’s smile to falter a little bit, the rage burning in his gaze, no longer the charming, happy-go-lucky young man the school knew and loved. Two steps were all it took to close the distance, fist clenching and rearing back to swing in a wide arc. It would have connected, have knocked her clear off her feet, down to the floor where she belonged... but it was held back, stopped mid-way by an equally strong grip. Scaramouche.

Just a bet 第25章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

”该死... 天啊操!!该死的”。顿时,他蓝色的眸子转向了惹事的女人。“Signora... ...”他声音中的咆哮让金发女郎的笑容真的有些颤抖,他的眼神中燃烧着怒火,不再是学校所认识和喜爱的那个迷人的、随心所欲的年轻人了。只用了两步,他就拉近了距离,握紧了拳头,向后仰起身子,在空中划出一道弧线。它本可以打上去,把她打倒在地,落到她应该在的地板上... 但它被阻止了,在半路上被同样强的力气的抓住。是Scaramouche。
“You can’t.” His words hard, firm in his belief. “But I can.” With no other delay his own body turned fast, fist swinging to connect with her nose with the speed he was renowned for in the pool. Gasps were heard all around, shocked sounds mixed with scampering feet to help the stunned woman to her feet again.