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Just a bet 第28章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)(5)

2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
雷泽的目光与他的目光相遇,这个计划很快就被放弃了。这个少年看到他的时候显得十分凶狠。谣言说雷泽在野狼的栖息地工作,而野狼甚至没有试图恐吓他... ... 这些大多数只是用来取笑那个说话不利索的男孩的谣言,但每一点八卦都不是空穴来风。就在那一刻,Ajax感受到了阿尔法狼保护狼群的锐利目光,他知道如果他朝那个方向迈出一步,他就会在半路上遭遇一场战斗。
He wasn’t in the mood for a physical fight. Even one he knew he’d win.

Just a bet 第28章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)

Instead, Ajax walked the other direction. They had chemistry together, which now that he thought about it, was exam day. No wonder Lumine was there. They had their final which meant... After today Chemistry was going to be optional, another lost opportunity to speak to her somewhere neutral. There were barely three weeks of school left, the majority of it now optional and not even two full weeks until the dance. Time was short and not in his favour at all.

Just a bet 第28章(上) (达荧英语同人文汉化)
