Just a bet 第34章(上)【达荧英语同人文汉化】(11)
2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
托马没有提及 至冬人竟然在这个沿海城市感受到一点寒冷是多么的奇怪,他没有追问下去,没有问他在外面呆了多久。Ajax可以为自己接受帮助找任何借口,只要他接受。“太好了!你也可以戴那个愚蠢的头盔了!”Ajax 深深地发着牢骚,也许待在外面患上低温症是个更好的选择。
Ajax didn’t know what to expect from Thoma, so far he was hard to read, hard to make assumptions of, but generally just… he was just nice. But Ajax of all people knew people could hide bad intentions behind even the nicest, most seemingly genuine of smiles. He’d grown up in Snezhnaya, the place was rife with it. Conniving, vicious, and cruel people hiding behind the guise of seemingly genuine smiles and comradery. The only way to know for certain as he climbed those steps leading up to the apartment his unexpected host was leading him to, was a simple question.
“Where are you from anyway?” No tensing, no hesitance to answer, Thoma simply replied with a cheery tone.
“Mondstadt! Grew up there, dad’s from Inazuma but mum’s a Mondstadter born and raised.” Ah. “That make you feel more at ease here?” It did. Mondstadters were known for one of two things, being alcoholic pains in the asses, or just… genuinely lovely people. And even the alcoholics tended to be cheery about it. They lived free and easy lives out in the countryside, their home city small but run by genuine people, only interested in providing the best for those living in their nation.
Ajax didn’t know what to expect from Thoma, so far he was hard to read, hard to make assumptions of, but generally just… he was just nice. But Ajax of all people knew people could hide bad intentions behind even the nicest, most seemingly genuine of smiles. He’d grown up in Snezhnaya, the place was rife with it. Conniving, vicious, and cruel people hiding behind the guise of seemingly genuine smiles and comradery. The only way to know for certain as he climbed those steps leading up to the apartment his unexpected host was leading him to, was a simple question.
“Where are you from anyway?” No tensing, no hesitance to answer, Thoma simply replied with a cheery tone.
“Mondstadt! Grew up there, dad’s from Inazuma but mum’s a Mondstadter born and raised.” Ah. “That make you feel more at ease here?” It did. Mondstadters were known for one of two things, being alcoholic pains in the asses, or just… genuinely lovely people. And even the alcoholics tended to be cheery about it. They lived free and easy lives out in the countryside, their home city small but run by genuine people, only interested in providing the best for those living in their nation.