Just a bet 第37章(上)【达荧英语同人文汉化】(18)
2024-06-14达荧 来源:百合文库
“你能不能给我... 十五分钟,之后他应该就有空接视频电话了。”Ajax在治疗。(译注:瘾君子的Therapy一般以心理治疗为主,所以这里是去看心理医生。)第一次预约的时候Lumine 陪着他参加了,因为 Ajax 需要她在那里,需要她的支持去得到他需要的帮助,但是第二次... 他不需要她了。他的治疗师很讨人喜欢,说话温和,容易相处,白垩(Kreide)医生年轻但经验丰富,虽然有点贵,但是很值得,而且加林一家为此买单,所以没有人需要担心。“在我们采取任何行动之前,他真的需要看一看这里。”
“I suppose I could say my old feet needed a little rest.” The elderly woman letting out a soft chuckle of a laugh as she slowly made her way through to the lounge, where ‘display’ furniture had been used to fill out the space. It would be removed, the majority of it would be removed before the young couple moved in. The apartment was being sold as unfurnished. “Would you like to know anything else about the property before you decide upon it?”