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《Let There be Darkness》中的设定的收集(2)(19)

2024-06-14克苏鲁神话《让这里陷入黑暗吧》 来源:百合文库

《Let There be Darkness》中的设定的收集(2)

菲茨罗伊的表情微微凝重。他伸出手,转动附近一台电机上的小表盘。塔格特感到头骨底部一阵刺痛。然后剧烈的疼痛传遍了他的全身。就好像有人用点燃的火柴点燃了他所有的神经末梢。他倒抽一口凉气,反射性地咬紧牙关,强忍着想要爆发的惨叫。然后 FitzRoy 转回表盘,疼痛突然消退。如果塔格特不是亲身经历过,他永远不会相信会发生这样的痛苦。他怀疑菲茨罗伊对他用的是电击,但感觉不像,他的身体也没有这样的反应。尽管他很紧张,但并没有电击带来的痉挛性收缩,也没有电极贴在皮肤上的烧灼感。
3. "Above all, you must not lie," FitzRoy continued. "I can always tell when you are lying -- and you have had a small sample of what can happen should you displease me. I can stimulate the pain center of your brain. It is safer than using electroshock, and causes no short-term physical damage. Because of that, I may apply Pain as often and as long as I wish to. You would do well to keep that in mind."

《Let There be Darkness》中的设定的收集(2)
