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【蛇玛同人文,但是AI写一半,但是AI插图】Chapter I·The Tower(3)

2024-04-12玛安娜Myanna路伊丝Louise 来源:百合文库
"Mom, I want to go out to play with my friends ." Said Louise.
"Never, my girl. I told you, you cannot go out without me or your daddy's accompany until you are 12."Said mother, "Now, go for your homework, did you finish them?"
"No, not yet," Louise said sadly. Then, she sat down on the chair and started doing her homework.
Soon, her father came home from work. "Hey, Louise!" He said, "I'm back, hope everything is fine here."

【蛇玛同人文,但是AI写一半,但是AI插图】Chapter I·The Tower

"Not good at all, daddy," Louise complained to her father." Mother doesn't let me go out without your accompany."
"Well, that's your own fault, my dear. I and your mother make an agreement on this thing." Louise's father shrugged his shoulder. "I think you'd better listen to your mother and do the homework."
"But, daddy, the homework is endless!" Louise complained again. Her dad looked annoyed but he left for work after telling Louise to eat dinner first before starting to study again. Soon after, she went downstairs to have a meal but she felt very sleepy so she decided to lie down right there before finishing the food.