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【蛇玛同人文,但是AI写一半,但是AI插图】Chapter I·The Tower

2024-04-12玛安娜Myanna路伊丝Louise 来源:百合文库

【蛇玛同人文,但是AI写一半,但是AI插图】Chapter I·The Tower

Long long ago, in an ancient country, there was a basilisk girl named Louise. She had beautiful green eyes and beautiful long green hair. Little Louise lived with her family in a small town near the capital of the country, she goes to the magician school every day. One day, Louise went to her friend's house for a sleepover party but instead of going home before bedtime, they decided to go out. They were all very excited about it because their parents didn't know where they were. However, they hide so well, their parents cannot find them anywhere around the city. So, the parents called for the soldiers. When they finally appeared again, almost all the soldiers were asked to find the kids. Finally, the last soldier has found them at the place Louise's friend lives. That night, when everyone has gone to bed, Louise's parents came back from work. Louise woke up suddenly because someone is staring at her.