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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1322-1325】【含本章说】(4)

2024-04-12 来源:百合文库
This is probably the truth, but we also know that the better the ritual, more easy it is to advance. If Adam is playing alongside humanity, then he probably want to increase humanity force, that's why I think he envisioned the death of the god of combat too, he could only envisioned the war and do the ritual, but maybe he through that this won't be enough and if he could do something to create an Above the Sequence, then this would be the better results. If he help Klein and Evernight to get her sefirot, then this may be confirmed. But there is also the possibility of Adam and Amon playing alongside the Outer Deitys, since they father didn't want to risk anything in his death he don't called for the brothers help since they was born after he was being corrupted by the original creator (Awakening). And we don't really know what the Original Creator will do, probably none of the outer deitys will ally anyone and everyone will try to retrieve all characteristics, uniqueness and sefirot they can get, destroying and corrupting everything in the way.