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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1322-1325】【含本章说】(2)

2024-04-12 来源:百合文库
I want to watch a reality cooking show about the giant City of Silver residents being introduced to the various cuisines of the world and learning how to cook them.
Adam and Amon are such schemers. Despite such differences in personality and methodology they really are brothers in that regard and we’re left with no clue what their actually planning. Wonder if they got that from their dad or if it’s just an influence of being born with the Visionary and Bug uniqueness.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【1322-1325】【含本章说】

Indeed, if you look at it in the overall, Adam is even more scary than Amon. Amon may lay in ambush for a 1000 years, buy Adam is manipulating the world for more than 1000 years. Since he consumed the potion only when the god of combat died, he probably envisioned that he would die, so you can say he somehow helped plot his dead somehow. Or he only consumed the potion in that moment because that's when the war ended, the climax. But I think it's more likely that's he envisioned the death of the god.