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【生肉搬运】Shrike伯劳鸟 第三章 英语原文(21)

And in his cupped palms, he offered a spider.
It took them three years to find him again.
It was an accident, really. A coincidence. And, as many things in George’s life did, it started in a forest.
It was not a dead forest, with its trees half-buried in snow. It was alive, and it called to George like a light in the dark. After years of crowded port cities, sleepy towns, and camps of soldiers that looked at him and Sapnap as if they were the last lifeboats on a sinking ship, it was a relief to walk under the foliage, hearing nothing but the distant rumble of a river, and birdsong, and Sapnap’s incessant nagging.

【生肉搬运】Shrike伯劳鸟 第三章 英语原文

“—lost,” he said, continuing a rant that George hadn’t realized he’d started. “We’re lost, and you’re too stubborn to admit it. I told you, I told you, we took a wrong turn at that outpost a few miles back, but did you listen? ‘Trust me, Sapnap,’”—and here he took on a laughably inaccurate imitation of George’s voice—“’I know what I’m doing, I can feel the plants underground.’ Well, maybe your plants are wrong and stupid, have you ever considered that, George?”

【生肉搬运】Shrike伯劳鸟 第三章 英语原文
