Lecture 1. Pt1. A DIVINE EVENT 神圣的事件(2)
2024-03-27 来源:百合文库
你问我,耶稣是谁?他是你的觉知、你的真我(I AM)。在《出埃及记》中,摩西被告知:“告诉以色列人民,是那‘我是’派你去的。这永远是我的名字。我的名必世世代代被记念,除我以外再没有别主。” 耶稣是主,它就是你的真我和你存在的意识。约书亚是希伯来语“耶稣”的意思,意思是“耶和华是救主”。除了我,再没有别的主。“我们的神是救赎的神。神处于死亡之外的世界。” 神埋藏于人性之中,使人成为有生命的生物。他将在个体中崛起,成为人类自己美妙的想象力。
Where could you go that you are not aware of being? Therefore, where can you go and not find God? If you lived in hell would you not be aware of being there? So God is in hell. If you lived in ecstasy you would be aware of your ecstatic mood, and that awareness is God, for I AM is the only name of Jesus.
你可以去到任何你意识不到的地方吗?如果不能够,那么你有能够去到发现神所在之处吗?如果你活在地狱,自己会意识不到吗?上帝就在地狱中。如果你生活在狂喜中,你会意识到自己欣喜若狂的情绪,那个意识就是上帝,因为 I AM 就是耶稣唯一的姓名和身份。
If you ask someone who calls himself a Christian, who Christ is, the chances are he would tell you that Jesus is the son of God. And if you told him that he must be God to know that, he would be horrified and tell you that you are blasphemous to suggest such a thing. But if you return to the proclamation of the great event, you will find that "No one knows who the son is except the Father." So if you know God‘s son is Jesus Christ, then you have to be God the Father. And, since no one knows who the Father is except the son, Jesus Christ must have revealed you as his Father. Well, man cannot rationalize this because he has not had the experience; for no one can know that Jesus is Lord (which is God the Father) except by the Holy Spirit, for it is he who brings you the experience of the great mystery.
Where could you go that you are not aware of being? Therefore, where can you go and not find God? If you lived in hell would you not be aware of being there? So God is in hell. If you lived in ecstasy you would be aware of your ecstatic mood, and that awareness is God, for I AM is the only name of Jesus.
你可以去到任何你意识不到的地方吗?如果不能够,那么你有能够去到发现神所在之处吗?如果你活在地狱,自己会意识不到吗?上帝就在地狱中。如果你生活在狂喜中,你会意识到自己欣喜若狂的情绪,那个意识就是上帝,因为 I AM 就是耶稣唯一的姓名和身份。
If you ask someone who calls himself a Christian, who Christ is, the chances are he would tell you that Jesus is the son of God. And if you told him that he must be God to know that, he would be horrified and tell you that you are blasphemous to suggest such a thing. But if you return to the proclamation of the great event, you will find that "No one knows who the son is except the Father." So if you know God‘s son is Jesus Christ, then you have to be God the Father. And, since no one knows who the Father is except the son, Jesus Christ must have revealed you as his Father. Well, man cannot rationalize this because he has not had the experience; for no one can know that Jesus is Lord (which is God the Father) except by the Holy Spirit, for it is he who brings you the experience of the great mystery.