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Lecture 1. Pt2. A DIVINE EVENT 神圣的事件(4)

2024-03-27 来源:百合文库

Lecture 1. Pt2. A DIVINE EVENT 神圣的事件

在《撒母耳记》上我们读到:“你与你列祖同睡的时候,我必使你的儿子接续你兴起。我要做他的父亲,他要做我的儿子。” 现在我们跳到《启示录》,主说:“我是大卫的根,我也是大卫的后裔。” 我是根源,是因,是父。我是我儿子大卫的子孙。因此,我与我的孙子是一体的。所有的人类成员融合在一起成为一个统一的名字,叫大卫。这衍生出什么呢?大卫的后代。若大卫的根是耶和华,大卫所生的必与他的根合而为一,这样,我既是根,也是后裔。我是老祖宗,也是子子孙孙,大卫是我的儿子。当人成为他的祖父时,他就成熟了,因为祖父就是上帝。
We are dealing with a mystery. If you think when you read the story of the Old or New Testament that you are going to reach truth by some rational argument, you are searching in vain. The wisest of the wise cannot see it, and because it isn't rational they call it a myth. But I tell you: he gives himself to whomever he will, even the lowliest among men. Those who have all their degrees, honors, money, and reputation are dead but do not know it. I do not condemn them or argue with them, but simply walk by, looking for willing ears to tell my story to, and usually it is to those who are not the scholars of the day. Those who hear my words may not understand them, but locking my message in their hearts, they ponder it; and one day, believing as I hoped they would, it will erupt within them. Then they, too, will know that the Lord Jesus is he who the world calls the God of the universe. They will know it because the Holy Spirit brought to their remembrance all that I have told them.