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2024-03-26家庭情感虚构 来源:百合文库
" we don't need that much money. our daughter don't need those lessons. " 
she didn't answer me.
"listen to me " i told her," you..."
she standed up, walked toward bathroom.
" why don't you just listen to me? " i said to her.
she stopped and said to me: "because what you said was so boring, all crap. for god's sake, stop talking PLEASE! "
 " why don't you just agree with me once, and listen what i said pretending, that's okay. "


" i have pretended in bed all of the time. out of the bed, i wouldn't pretend anymore. how about you go to that woman's, let she pretend, let she admire you, even clap for you. "
" what are you talking about. there's no other woman. " i told her.
she was shocked and said : " you have admitted it. you told me about her. i can't believe you are trying to fool me. oh! liar, You big liar. i would never trust you agian. "

