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2024-03-26家庭情感虚构 来源:百合文库
then fed her. one and one and other one, which really shocked me. how big her stomoch was, i wondered. and what i wondered more was how little the dumplings left . " you should buy a little more really, dude." i told myself. as i ate the three lefted dumplings. 
she asked me: "you really ate already before?"
 "yeah, of crouse. three big chicken legs. tomrrow, i"ll bring some for you."


 " mommy really will come back home tomorrow? " 
" yeah, really. now, you do your homework and i'll read books by yourside."
yesterday, 10 P.M.
" why are you so late today." i asked my wife.
" company's party."
"with men? "i asked her. she didn't answer, "why didn't you tell them you didn't want to."
" because i'm not you. "she said.

