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【Shusta向(英汉双语同人文)】If he only liked me(3)

2024-03-26同人文ShustaLucaKaneshiro终于硬气了! 来源:百合文库

【Shusta向(英汉双语同人文)】If he only liked me

“Silly boy,The purpose of my visit is to take your lifeI don't care about the treasure of time and space. I only care about whether I can kill you tonight.”
He turned away, raised his gun and fired a bullet into the sky, as if there was some regret in his tone: “Never see again Shu .Budland, did the dog eat what I taught you about hospitality? I wonder if I should see Mr. Yamino ? Do it."

【Shusta向(英汉双语同人文)】If he only liked me
