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Biography of Liu Yu Part 2(30)

2024-03-26历史小说纪实原创 来源:百合文库

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2

Liu Yu, a general of the northern army, replaced Jin and built Song with his outstanding achievements, and history entered the southern dynasty and confronted the northern dynasty. The Southern Dynasty ruled the Yangtze River valley and southern China for more than 270 years. The significance of Liu Yu's replacement of Jin Dynasty was not only a change of dynasty, but also marked the end of the situation of "sharing the world with the emperor". Liu Yu's proposal to move the capital to Luoyang met with unanimous opposition from his aides. It can be seen that at that time, the Eastern Jin had no great interest in the issue of recovering the Central Plains, and the return to the north was even more rejected. After that, the civilization of the Central Plains was inherited to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and flourished there.

Biography of Liu Yu Part 2
