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[成龙历险记|西玉|全英]天行不息 11 Journey in China(2)

2024-03-26英语成龙历险记西木小玉西玉 来源:百合文库
“Look at how happy he is! How playful the thousand-year-old boy is!” Jade said.
“Speak ill of me, Jade? Wanna me to take you to play?” Hsi Wu pounced down and seized Jade.
“Ahhh!” Hsi Wu soared straight toward the sky with Jade, which frightened her to shout.
“See me soar up to ninety thousand miles!”
“No, no, let me down.”
After flying for a round, Hsi Wu came back to Jackie Chan and others.

[成龙历险记|西玉|全英]天行不息 11 Journey in China

“Hsi Wu, you should pay attention to Jade’s safety in the future.” Jackie exhorted.
“Yes, sir!” answered His Wu, who stood at attention and gave a military salute.
“Uncle, we go to Fujian next?” Jackie said.
“No, go to Guangdong first!”
“But Uncle, we are closest to Fujian now.”
“Thwack!” A two-fingered slapping. “Think Uncle doesn’t know? Uncle wants to go to Guangdong to see my teacher.”

[成龙历险记|西玉|全英]天行不息 11 Journey in China
