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[成龙历险记|西玉|全英]天行不息 11 Journey in China(13)

2024-03-26英语成龙历险记西木小玉西玉 来源:百合文库
Hsi Wu was also extremely shocked. Jiangning in 1937 was even many times darker than the world ruled by them demons! They are demons or humans are the real demons!
“Uncle Jackie, I didn’t expect the evil in human hearts could also be so powerful.”
“Hsi Wu, humans are indeed like this sometimes.”
Hsi Wu looked back at the memorial hall, deep in thought.
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone!

[成龙历险记|西玉|全英]天行不息 11 Journey in China

Hope our loved ones can be our side forever, admiring the same moon even with the thousand-mile distance in between.
