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用内恰的“什么愿望都可以实现券”来和她分手吧!(La Nature a plu)(3)

"I just used your ticket to break up with you , what was the wrong I made ?" Mr.Trainer wants to show that he's right, but Nature just with her closed eyes, ignoring les mots he said.
"Our story was end at that moment , why you invite me ?"
"Because I wanna to share my hapiness with you!"Trainer puts his hand on the chest.
"That is your reason ? Uh?" Nature opens her eyes, staring at the man who abandoned her, "So , when we were falling in love , at that time, you……"

用内恰的“什么愿望都可以实现券”来和她分手吧!(La Nature a plu)

"In love ?"The Trainer seems a bit confused ,"We were just a teacher and a student, see! You are still wearing your uniform……"
"Shut up……"Nature picks up her umbrella, defensing herself from this mauvais world.
"It was me who thinking too much ."
"I am sorry, so ……"
"Goodbye. My trainer."
"Pense que vous avez une vie heureuse."
She turns back , leaving this pourri place.

用内恰的“什么愿望都可以实现券”来和她分手吧!(La Nature a plu)
